For dessert plates we've always resorted to using coffee cup saucers. Dessert is an important part of our lives, and this month I decided to break down and actually buy something to use for dessert dishes that didn't have an indented ring in the center.
I found these tiny white dishes in CB2 while we were scouting out a couch for Barbara. The dishes were $1.95 apiece. I had to think about it. I wasn't sure they were big enough. I wasn't sure they cost enough.
A few weeks ago I splurged on four pink dessert dishes that I had been lusting over for eons on the internet. Do you ever order something and just know that when your order arrives you'll be happy at last? I knew when these pink dishes arrived that I would be happy at last. But the pink turned out to be dusty pink, and the dishes themselves turned out to be gargantuan–not that there's anything wrong with gargantuan.
So I decided to return to CB2. But it was too late. The quirky white dishes were gone. When I got home, I checked CB2's web site and guess what. The reason they were no longer in the store must have been because no one bought them–because (follow this link) now they are marked down to 95¢ apiece! I'm trying not to use so many exclamation points, but I couldn't help using one there. So I ordered eight.
They arrived today (the day after Mari, Wolf, and Mimi left, of course). But that's OK because now I'm happy at last.
p.s. The tiny knives are $5.95 for a set of 6.