When the tide's low in the evening it's our habit to walk almost two miles south, then back. Since I returned from Chattanooga the first couple of times we hit the beach I experienced the strangest sensation. I would start out jogging but I could only go about 10 steps, then I'd have to walk. Then once I turned around and headed back towards home, I felt like my being wasn't rooted firmly in my body. I thought I might be on the verge of fainting (I've never fainted) and I actually wondered if I'd make it back. I had to go very slowly and it felt like I was slogging through a dream. And I was starving!
The third time we hit the beach, I didn't even try to jog. I just took it easy, then went home and ate seconds and thirds of everything at dinner. The whole first week back I wanted to sleep ten or eleven hours a night and eat everything in the refrigerator during the day.
This evening I jogged. Pandora helped; and the biscotti (two kinds: chocolate almond and orange) John passed over the fence right before we left probably gave me some sugary energy.
Talking on the phone is hard. I love my friends. It feels surreal to not be planning a trip to Tennessee for Thanksgiving or Christmas!