The following appeared on Mary Ann's blog this morning:
This delightful paragraph was in my yesterday's morning email from our blogmaid:
One of the things I gave RR for Valentine's Day was a little notebook with a kitty on the front -- from that Japanese store I went to with Linda. She put it under her pillow last night, along with a flashlight and pen, and told me that when I left the room she was going to write in it. She fell asleep before I left, so I moved the items over to her bedside shelf, but in the middle of the night (3 am) I heard sounds coming from the monitor, and I went in to check on her and she was sitting up in bed, writing in her notebook with the flashlight. It was beyond cute.

When I read Mary Ann's post, I emailed Kristin right away to ask what Ryan had written in the middle of the night.
Hi Linda!
Yes, you can steal those photos from Mary Ann, and here's one more that she didn't publish if you want it. RR wrote "Cat cat best animal in the world" in case you can't make it out. When she saw me photographing the page she said "Hey! That's secret!" Then she continued "You can send it to Mary Ann, but you can't post daily updates on Facebook!"