I've tried white noise machines. Heaters. Fans.
I was sure my problem was solved when I discovered an app called Ambiance that I could download for free. I tried Ocean Flow, Waterfall Splashing, Inside A Quiet Train, Walking In Snow, Pink Noise, Cat Purr, Sauna. In deranged desperation I tried WWII Battlefield. I couldn't take it! Any sound at all was driving me crazy.
Then Saturday I saw this gorgeous hearing aid in the paper shaped like a tiny triangle. It came in 15 different colors and not really, but I almost wanted to be deaf so I could wear one of those hearing aids (neon green). But only when I absolutely had to use my ears.
I had a brainstorm. Noise-canceling headphones! I did some research and ordered these. I knew exactly when they arrived this afternoon. The UPS guy slung the box up onto our porch: THUMP! They're made by Audio-Technica and they're half the price of Bose. They come with a tiny AAA battery that somehow simply cancels noise out. They also come with all kinds of detachable cables in case you want to listen to sounds.