Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Girl After My Own Heart

When I woke up this morning, look what was on the table! Michelle (our new neighbor, and Cosmo's mother) had brought flowers and a big plate of chocolate chip cookies over on her way to work. We were astounded that she'd been able to make the cookies–she barely had been able to walk the day before. We'd been trying to give her a hand, and her boss is ferrying her to and from work, as she still can't drive.

She's 37 and just began a job teaching chemistry at a local high school. She's a girl after my own heart; here's an example why:

Tom (on the phone): Michelle, I made too much salad. Would you be interested in a salad this evening?

Michelle: Well, I had a scrambled egg sandwich right when I got home from work because I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving. But I could eat again in an hour or two!

Tom: Perfect. We're going for a walk, and I'll wait til we get back to put it together.

Michelle: What are you putting in it?

Tom: About 5 different kinds of lettuce, fresh tomatoes, cucumber, a little onion, peppers, some croutons, avocado ... is there anything I should leave out?

Michelle: You can leave the avocado out!

Tom: OK. Is there anything else you need?

Michelle: Do you happen to have any of those cookies left?