Mya is eight years old. I wasn't sure whether she'd still want to play our game this year. But she came prepared with 6 notepads–3 for each of us. One for taking orders, one for specials of the day, and one for checks and tips. She also made cell phones for both of us. Our game is called Frankie Rowland's.
Her name is Aqua and I'm Aquamarine. We drive a red convertible to work in the morning. Tom is the big fat boss. Today he came over right in the middle of a huge order and harassed us. First he criticized Aqua for wearing pajamas to work, even though it was Pajama Day at Frankie Rowland's. Then he wanted to know how old we are.
Aqua: We're nineteen. We're sisters.
Big Fat Boss: Are you twins?
Aqua: Yes. Only I like long hair and she likes short hair.
Me: That's the only difference.