Monday, July 10, 2006
© Linda Davick
Today at 11:11 I happened to glance up at my computer clock. Whenever I see that it's 11:11, I stop and say thanks, Crazy God, thanks. Aside from that, at 11:11 today, I knew that Bess's memorial service had just started, because it was 2 hours later in Scott City, Kansas.
Today was her 95th birthday, and her funeral. Eight years ago, she had introduced me to the possibility of a god over a lunch of fish & chips. I had asked her what she believed; she would never have told me otherwise.
Don't be scared! My god isn't religious. He's funny and nice, and just a little atom. I picture him residing in a tiny hotel room (one from the Joie de Vivre boutique chain) in my stomach. I don't know if he can do a lot for everyone. I don't know if he can go to Iraq.