We were invited to a garden party but it was so cold and foggy that we had to eat indoors. (My favorite kind of garden party.)
But still, everything we had for dinner was from Peter's garden. Pesto, a green salad, arugula on the side, 4 different kinds of steamed greens.

Then again, the Champagne wasn't from the garden. And neither were the cashews or chips or salsa. The pasta and the focaccia weren't either, and come to think of it neither were the ice cream or the pastel macaroons. Or the Frangelico.

We sat down to listen to Peter play piano. Immediately Carmen jumped up between us. She wanted to listen too if it wasn't too much to ask.
p.s. The striped shirt I'm wearing: It is another one Anne had ordered that turned out to be too big for her. I immediately tried it on and haven't taken it off since. (It's the next day now.)