Subject: music and pie
Date: May 30, 2008 6:05:50 PM PDT
To: Linda
... Other than that everthang's fine. I've eaten too many lunches at the Old Stage Restaurant; the pie the pie the pie...that man, Mike, can bake. I watched a woman in the next booth eating her pie. She was with 2 friends. The waitress came by to ask how things were, and she asked specifically about the pie. The woman with her mouth full of pie couldn't answer, but one of her friends explained She's purring like a kitten. She wasn't the only one. So, I'm sending mental/dream pie to you for your birthday. I hope you have a good time, whatever you do. I hear Blinky in the garbage, I'd better go investigate.
p.s. Katy sent me an amazingly wonderful CD by Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris called All The Roadrunning. Usually I have to listen to a CD several times before I know whether or not I like it. This one only took one listen.