Thursday, December 13, 2007


I don't even know why I'm telling you this, because you're not going to believe it. First of all, by now I'm sure the news is out that I won the prestigious Name the Squab Contest. Out of 96 entries, I came up with the winning name: James Brown. My prize, which arrived parcel post, is the beautiful hand-painted chicken wearing a bathrobe pictured above. I immediately named him James Brown, Jr. and set him on my desk.

With his right arm permanently extended like that, it looked as if he might be bestowing a blessing. This morning I had an idea. I set my broken camera beneath his right arm. I thought I would try one more time to download my photos before I wrapped up my camera and sent it off to:
Canon Factory Service
1440 Chase Ave.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

For the 14th time I plugged the Canon USB cable into my computer. I removed my camera from beneath James Brown Jr.'s blesséd hand and connected it to the other end of the cable. There was no hesitation. iPhoto opened right up, and all 67 images from Monday downloaded like a dream.

I thought: This is a miracle. But how could I ever prove that James Brown Jr. cured my camera? My sister's camera hasn't arrived yet; I had told her to send it slow boat FedEx. I was dying to take a photo of my camera under James Brown Jr.'s hand to show you how he blessed it, but how could I? I would need a second camera. And that would prove nothing. So this evening I decided to take a photo (with my cured camera) showing James Brown Jr. bestowing a blessing on today's paper, with the date to prove that it is indeed December 13th.

Another interesting thing I read in the manual while trying to fix the camera myself over the past two days, without James Brown Jr.'s help: Caution: Do not sit with the camera in a back pocket as it may cause the camera to malfunction or damage the LCD monitor. No one had ever told me I couldn't sit on my camera before! This evening I took it out of my back pocket before I sat down in the car.

From: aggles
Subject: James Brown, Jr. redux
Date: December 15, 2007 7:57:16 AM PST
To: linda
Have you tried putting your credit card under JB's blessing arm? Maybe he would heal your credit card balance.