I've been tagged by Luci to tell 7 things about myself that others may not know.
1. I wear a NightGuard when I sleep. One of my favorite things to do is to put it in and impersonate characters from my favorite movies.
2. I've collected 300+ pounds of beach glass from walks on Ocean Beach.
3. I have phone phobia, though it helps to wear my NightGuard when talking on the phone.
4. My favorite breakfast is leftover pizza with black coffee.
5. My mom taught piano. She wanted desperately to teach me. We made deals. If I got through a book, I would get to choose a reward from the Sears catalog. I finished one book. I chose an army suit.
6. I love sewn-on badges and stickers of all kinds. That's one reason I wanted the army suit. I joined the Girl Scouts so I could collect all those badges on the sash. But it took way too long to earn the badges, so I quit.
7. Method cleaning products turn me on. Especially the old bowling pin-shaped dish detergent bottle that never worked properly. Now that it's been discontinued, I'd do anything to see it again. Wait a minute! It hasn't been discontinued! You can order it online even!