Thursday, April 07, 2011

Things I Think About

I like leaves and shells and natural things. But there's something about things made by people that I feel an even deeper affection for. Especially glass and plastic, as you know.

A couple of days ago, Stray sent me the photo below with a link to the story. All of the objects in the photo are the contents of the stomach of one sea turtle that lost its battle with plastic pollution.

And then today I got this email from Aggles:

"I think most people might be distressed by this but since you're an artist who collects beach wash-ups you might find this exciting:

How Japan's Tsunami Massive Debris Plume Will Hit California and Hawaii

From the article: If you live in Hawaii, California, British Columbia, Alaska or Baja California, here is some bad news: According to computer models made by scientists at the International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, all the debris washed out by the Japan tsunami is coming your way.

Much more at link including arrival dates which is still a few years away. But that's ok - it's something to look forward too!"

Gizmodo photo