Friday, May 07, 2010

Lucille and the Lucky Chicken Saint

Lucille is another friend who loves to walk. She has stenosis of the lower back, and did not want to have surgery. But after she tried everything else, it got to the point where she decided to try it. To be in the best condition possible for the surgery she was walking 4 hours a day, if you can imagine that. (Slowly, slowly, but walking still.)

Her surgery was Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m. I passed along the lucky chicken saint to her that I won in Sally's "Name the Squab" contest. The chicken saint cured my camera soon as it arrived in the mail, and it's brought me all kinds of good luck.

Here's Lucille at the hospital with the lucky chicken saint waiting to be registered.

Apparently, the saint worked for Lucille! She was standing by her bed ready to go home Wednesday night. They made her wait until Thursday morning to spring her, and she walked Lauren's dog soon as she got home.