Our Franklin e-mailed me this recipe today. It was sent to him by a former co-worker from Sequoyah High School. It sounded so ingenious that I was compelled to test it this evening for dinner:
Ziploc Omelette
1. Have family or guests write their name on a quart-size Ziploc freezer bag with permanent marker.
2. Place 2 eggs (large or extra-large) into the bag (not more than 2).
3. Put out a variety of ingredients such as: cheeses, veggies, cooked ham, bacon and/or shrimp; chopped onion, cooked hash browns, salsa, etc. I also put out Fruit Loops and Skittles.
4. Each person adds prepared ingredients of choice to one's bag and shakes. Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up.
5. Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13 minutes.
6. Open the bags and the omelette will roll out easily. Be prepared for everyone to be amazed.
7. Don't forget the sour cream and salsa.

from left: Tom's omelette, my omelette, straight from our Ziploc bags.
Thank you, Our Franklin. Dinner was a resounding success. The only hitch was that the omelettes didn't exactly "roll out easily"–Tom's in particular. But that's an easy fix: simply spray the inside of the ziplock bags with Pam.