cookie by Mari Pheiffer
From: Mari
To: Linda
Did you notice? Marilyn's back. Yeah! Love her. I found you through her.
Have an okay day. ~ mari
From: Linda
To: Mary
I didn't know you found me through Marilyn! I know you and she were friends before I found either of you. I love it that you're using iWeb--I've been so curious about it.
xxxxx's & ooooo's, Linda
From: Mari
To: Linda
I can't remember exactly how we "met." But Marilyn was the connector. That chick has a big heart. OMG. Love her. She's like butta. You're like Nutella. And I LOVE Nutella.
hugs, mari
I love Mari's cookies and I love the way Mari compares people to food. As well as being a supremely talented baker, Mari is a writer. Her new blog is The M Report.
What foods are your friends like? At dinner I asked Tom what food I was most like.
Tom: Is this a trick question?
Me: No.
Tom: Raspberries. They're beautiful. And there's nothing else like them. (He had had a glass of wine at this point.)
I told him he was caramel corn.